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34 · Brooklyn, New York
Login to view distance · Hi. I'm trans, call me LB
About Me
Full Disclosure: I'm a trans woman. I feel like this needs to be stated. Even though the site may have a nice verification system which I'll use as well, some people may still be confused. I want to avoid being called a scammer, catfish, or accused of trapping you

When I say I have no passport, it means I can get one at any time. Not in my preferred name and gender I identity as, but I can. I'm a naturalized citizen

I am diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome and ADHD. Aspergers is a form of high functioning autism. Generally speaking, I don't behave typically like someone who is just simply autistic, but my condition causes quirks in my behavior that I don't notice unless told. It's different from the general population and noticeable

Also, no sex for now. I don't feel comfortable using this organ on my body, nor will I engage in sexual acts with other people involving said organ. That means no penetration of any kind. Giving or receiving


Now that that's out of the way? Where do I begin? Oh right, let's start with looks, because everyone comes expecting pretty people

I'm sorry to tell you, but if I was able to pass I probably wouldn't actually be here. Not only can I not pass (currently cross dressing terribly), but I have a very toxic mother who doesn't accept my gender identity.

Look, if I could just flip a switch and identify as a 'normal' male or become a natal female I would, but I can't. My sense of self is telling me that my body is wrong for my mind, and I've felt like this since I was a child, even not knowing what it meant back then. Heck, I don't even want to identify as male. What I mean to say here is that if I could be a cis person, I would be, but I unfortunately can't. My gender identity a different from the chromosomes I was assigned at birth. Being myself means being a woman

Anyway most times I don't even wear and look how I want, and 90% of the time I'm forced to live as a man. Looking how I want is basically only for special occasions and in private, and I can't even pass so it would really be in places where people don't judge and I can't be recognized by strangers


I know what you're thinking, why not just leave this situation if I'm an adult? Well that's private details that the site doesn't allow talking about. Suffice to say, it's not feasible for us to live alone. Mom is a senior citizen, and all of our closest family members are no longer alive. We have nobody else but each other, but I still hate her and consider it a toxic relationship. She also wants me to inherit the lease, which is a very nice apartment


Let's talk about interests and what I like. I like role play (RP) and video games, some mobile games specifically. My computer is currently broken and not working properly. I also like fantasy TV and movies like Star Wars and Star Trek, but not to the degree that I would consider myself a fan of these. If it's fantasy I'll probably like it

I prefer indoor activities, as I don't really like to be seen outside right now. Even when I get my life together, I probably would still prefer indoor activities. Things like camping are out, as I just find it boring sorry

I like sweet coffee! I like it very much. I just can't have it in large quantities or I get too relaxed. Someone with ADHD can't have caffeine/sugar in large quantities or they get too relaxed to the point of getting sleepy. Most people don't know this, but if you get me very sweet coffee with milk I'll probably quickly be your friend


Let's talk about goals, because just waiting and being a lump in bed has gotten me nowhere. I'm just now realizing that if I don't do something, I'll never get to be my true self

I have dreams in life. My life didn't work out, but it may still work out. I want to have a life, for one thing

1. Bank my reproductive material. Surprisingly, this trans woman actually wants kids. I'm the product of two families meeting and an only child. If I don't reproduce, these families die with me. I have pressure on me to do this, as much as I hate to admit

2. Have an actual medical transition. This one may sound simple, but it hasn't been so simple. I just want to get on hormones and stay on them

Somewhere along the line before I get on hormones, I'd like to have a silicone bodysuit and be my real self like this, cosplaying and enjoying life. Of course it's a temporary solution, but I feel like it's a good intermediate step before I'm ready to get on hormones and have my future children secured

3. Become pretty. I literally hate 99% of myself. In addition to eventual bottom surgery, I'd like to get surgery to become pretty. I have a very specific idea of what I want to be. This one is the big and long one, so brace yourselves

I want to be an anime girl. I want to look like a woman who just stepped out of an anime and into real life. Extremely curvy and top heavy. I don't really care that this involves a lot of surgery, being 'fake', working out, and body modification. I'm willing to put in the effort, because as of now I hate myself and it's nice to have goals in life

4. Well I'd maybe like to go into modeling and acting eventually, but I'd be perfectly okay with just cosplaying and maybe gaming professionally as a job for the rest of my life until I can't anymore. Oh right, I wanna cosplay. Um, that's a goal right?

I'm also very good at writing, and wouldn't mind going into writing maybe, but probably not. I'm just very creative and have an active imagination. I RP on forums. I really like RP and have learned to write very well

5. Find love and enjoy sexual pleasure with people for as long as I can, and often. Although romance wise I have never had a crush on a man, I wouldn't mind having a friends with benefits relationship with one. That said, I identify romantically as lesbian


So what can this 'man' offer you? I hate to be called a man, but as I'm not able to pass and look how I want in public, that's what we'll jokingly go with for now until my situation improves

I can offer you friendship, companionship, and a genuine person who is just trying to make the best of their cruddy situation. I'm not getting any younger. Most of all, who wouldn't want an anime girl on their arm? I wanna be that anime girl on your arm.


Are my goals unrealistic? Sure, maybe. Can I accomplish them on my own? Most definitely not, and I'll never be happy as I am. So here I am looking for friendships, being genuine
Appearance Information
Pre-op Trans Woman
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Apr 16, 2022
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English, Russian
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